Toni by Joan Jackson / Mommy

My son brought Toni home when she was about three weeks old, she had been abandoned. Toni quickly became a valued member of our family. When she was a puppy she would ride in the side car of my son’s dirt bike on their way to play at the lake.

A few years later she would play with my grandson, and pull him across the room in his night shirt, the more Jarryd laughed the more she pulled him. She and I were best friends and companions. Toni loved riding in the car and taking walks, especially the extra walks on the weekends.

I miss Toni raising her head and talking to me, when I left the house for what she thought was too long, or when she wanted my attention.

I love her so much, and hope she forgives me for having to put her to sleep. I grieve for her each day, and miss her
more than I ever believed possible.

I love you, Toni.


Joan Jackson