Touque by Kimberly Patterson / Mom, Dad, Kaylynn, Dusty, and Pudge

In October of 2001, we found a beautiful Border Collie on a rescue web site. Many phone calls later, we were on the road to go pick up our newest family member, Touque. I think I fell in love with him that same day. He was such a joy to have in our lives. The way he would get so excited when we took him to the dog park would always make me laugh. And he loved to pick on my husband. Hiding things from daddy was a favorite past time.

He had three children that he loved, and watched over. Sometimes I thought he was convinced he was their mommy. Any time they got out of bed, he would herd them straight back.

Then, on August 5th, we noticed, he had lost his eyesight. He could not hold down food, and we were told he was bit by a black widow. We sat by him, and loved him, and tried our best to nurse him through this. But on the morning of August 6th, he finally couldn’t hold on any longer. He went into his kids room, under his babies bed, and
went over to the rainbow bridge.

We all miss him so much. We have truly lost a member of our family. I hope he is no longer in pain, and is still watching over his kids…

We all love you Touque,
and We’ll see you again someday…


Kimberly Patterson