Tucker Reasoner by Renee Reasoner / Mommy

I got tucker right before thanksgiving last year. I was so excited to get him. I had to wait till payday to get him because I was low on cash. So when Friday came I was so excited to get him. So when I did I carried him everywhere. I took him every where I loved him so much.

We me and my sister took him and Nicki to the park to the lake and he just loved to play. My spouse did not like him at all, but I always guarded over him and he did me the same. He also loved to chase the cats and kids and loved to get on the couch and my bed. When I would make my bed he would jump up there and steal the covers. I use too just laugh at him. I got a real kick out of it. He use to cry if one of the other dogs took his bone and I would go get it and give it back to him and then he was happy again till they took it again. Then I would go get for him again. he loved to chase sticks and bones.

He just had to lay down to eat because he was so big for his age. He weighed around 100 pounds. In the begining of july, he was just wonderful to me. He meant the world to me. Then on the 24th he was let out to the rest room without supervision. He got out of the fence and ran into the road. He was hit by a truck. I was not home at the time so when I came in my spouse told me that he had bad news. I knew it was Tucker. I yelled where is Tucker. I ran outside and found him by the weeds. I was screaming and crying. I laid down on him and he was bearley breathing.

When I yelled his name and cried I love you he stopped breathing. I laid there with him for at least one hour. Then we put him to rest and I put a toy with him that he would have loved to chase. I still get teary eyed several days later. I would give anything to have him back with me.

I miss him so much and so does my kids. They also cried all night too. So I hope Tucker rest in peace and I will never for get him. He will always be my baby and I will never forget him. I will always have his pictures up and have a place for him in my heart. God bless Tucker and remember
I love you Tucker.


With love and ever lasting memories,
Tucker Reasoner
Renee Reasoner