Whammy by Bill and Gail Anctil / Daddy and Mommy

My dearest Whammy,

When you came into our lives 4 1/2 years ago as a stray, I could never imagine the love and comfort that you could give for such a small petite precious baby. Even though you had a severe heart murmur, I still wanted to adopt you even when I was told you would not live very long. My dearest angel, on March 12th, my life as I knew it stopped and I don’t know if I will ever be the same. You were not just a cat, you were my friend, my companion who was always there for me no matter what kind of mood I was in. Everyone tells me, “You must be a very special person to take on a sick animal.” No, that is where they are wrong. You see, I was the lucky one to find you. Someday, sweet Whammy, we will meet again and I will hug you, and kiss you, and hold you just like I use to. But for now, you must wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge be happy my sweet for you no longer suffer. Reach for the stars, my love and know that
I am thinking of you always.


Until we Meet Again,
All my Love,
12, Mar 2006
Bill and Gail Anctil