
Still with us

Jack Russell / Fox Terrier

My dog Winnie is the best dog ever.

She saved us from snakes.

I heard her barking one day and thought it was a mouse.

I went out to see and I saw a long gray thing. I didn’t know if it was

a snake or a pole. I went get my dad and sure enough it was a snake.

She killed a rat too. My dad turned over a board and a rat ran out.

Winnie grabbed it shook it and threw it down repeatedly until it was dead.

One time she was barking a lot,so my mom went see.

She saw a head and thought it was a snake. It was a crayfish!

Winnie is part Jack Russell Terrier and part Fox Terrier.

She has reddish brown fur and brown eyes. She is about 15 or 20 pounds.

She is about 3 or 4 years old. A man at the airport saw her and

put an ad in the newspaper. We got her for free.

We were going to name her Lucy or Lu Lu but we decided to

name her Winnie.

I have allergies and I can’t play with her but I still love her to death.

She is the best dog in the world

and I love her SO much!


