WINSTON by Nicky , Steve and Josh / Mum.

I went to collect my new Labrador puppy way back in 1992 when I was just 17 years old myself.
I had moved out of home and was starting out fresh on my own. I had only had Winston 2 days when he was taken to the Vets with suspected cancer. I was advised by the Vet to take him back to the breeder. I contacted the breeder who told me to take him back and swap him for another.
I couldnt do it. I kept him. He made a full recovery and I had 13 years with him.
Out of the years I had him he was with me through thick and thin. i had some terrible times but Winston was alwas there. He was diagnosed with heart problems in Feb 2005 and I was told he had at the most 6 months. The vet told me he would gradually stop eating, going out for walks and would not recognize me or wag his tail. I was dreading this happening. but it never did!!! He was happy right to the very end.
He wagged his tail all the time was always happy to see us and just lived to pinch cat food. he even pinched the car food just hours before he died.
Winston died in the early hours of Monday 24th October. We buried him in our garden so he will always be with us.
I love and miss him so much I do not know how i will get by without him. I cannot stop crying since he has gone and just hope and pray that he did not suffer.
WINSTON – I love you so much mate!
Rest in peace and stay by always.


Love you forever
Nicky , Steve and Josh