Wrangler by Lindsey M. Bruton / -His mommy, Lindsey-

My name is Lindsey. I am the former owner of a mini. dauchsund, Wrangler. Yesterday, my dad called me home saying he needed to talk to me. When I went outside to take pictures of me and my baby, he wasn’t there. I knew exactly what my dad was going to say as soon as I saw his dog collar. He asked me if I wanted to see him and after a few minutes, I did. He opened the bag and the tears shed even more. He curled up into a ball and passed on. I cried myself to sleep..

When I first got Wrangler, he could fit into the palm of my hand. At first, he was a little scared of everything around him, even me. Soon, Wrangler would be my best friend. He would play hide & go seek with me! Someone would cover his eyes & I would go hide. As soon as they removed their hands, that person would ask, “Where’s Lindsey?” and off he went! He would run around the house like crazy until he found me. When he finally found me, I would jump out and say “You Found MEEEE!!” and pick him up and give him a big hug.

If someone came up to me and hugged me or hit me just kidding around, Wrangler would run over to us and bark his head off! 🙂 He didn’t want anyone touching his Lindsey.

After my parent’s divorce, Wrangler had to go outside. Sooner or later, I saw him less and less and that’s my fault. I didn’t go out there as much as I should. Wrangler was my little buddy and my best friend. He knew who his mommy was and when I was out there he couldn’t
have been happier 🙂

I wish there was something I could have done. Maybe he was too small to handle the heat… or maybe he had a heart attack from feeding him too much. It could be anything, but right now all I know is that he’s gone forever. I will miss him terribly!!


Wrangler.. Gone, but NEVER forgotten :'(
Lindsey M. Bruton