Ziggy by Don & Nancy Lancor / DADDY & MOMMY

Well my sweet Angel Boy, where does your momma start? Back in Sept at the airport in Billings, Montana your aunt JoAnna and I picked up you and your half sister at the airport and the steward and pilots were making over the two of you as they were carrying you from the plane. They had never seen Miniature Pinschers before and were full of questions about you two beautiful babies. You my Ziggy was 10 wks old and fit in the palm of my hand. We had to wait 2 more wks until your little half sister Dakota was 8 wks old. They won’t fly you babies unless you are at least 8 wks. I could hardly contain myself waiting those extra wks. I had bought you for your daddy’s birthday and also so you would help him to heal from a car accident. That you did and more.
Aunt JoAnna got your half sister because she had lost her sweet little angel girl of 15 yrs a few months earlier. We both had seen my son’s MinPin and we decided on this baby Rosco Roo that this was the furbaby for us.

You were such a joy. Your daddy bonded with you at first sight. You two became best of friends and your hearts became one. You were soul mates. You went everywhere with us; you loved the motorhome. You were such a smart baby. You knew what we were thinking and going to do before we did even. You would have made a great hearing puppy. You raced us to the phone or door bell every time. I had never in my life seen such a love that a furbaby had for a human like I saw in you for your daddy and he as well for you.

He is so lost without you and I am sure you are on his mind all the time because you are sure on mine all the time.

You never were sick a day in your almost 11 yrs. Then on April 6th you got so sick and then 3 wks later you have emergency surgery, came through it fine and did so good the next day and even the half of the 3rd day you did fine and then that afternoon on May 3rd, God called you home to be with him and Rosco Roo who went home to God Feb. 16, 2003. It was such a shock to our system to see you getting better and then pass away.

Daddy was there to visit you an hour earlier and said you didn`t look or breathe right. The doctors think that you threw a blood clot. At least you weren’t in any pain because they had you on a morphine drip. Daddy rushed right over and at least got to hold you little body close to him while you were still warm. He brought you home to be cremated and said that he wants you ashes mixed with his when his time comes, your ashes and the Roo`s ashes. It is so hard to go on without you.
You were our sunshine.

Well I could go on and on because there are so many good memories in those almost 11 yrs. You run and jump with your Roo and other new furbaby friends, but don`t forget to look over and check to see if your momma & daddy are there waiting there for you to help us cross over.

Your baby girl Zarah cries for her daddy. We are doing all we can for her but we do need your help in cheering her up and giving her the will to go on. We let her see your little lifeless body lying on our bed so that she would not keep looking out the window thinking that her sweet daddy Ziggy was coming back home. You two were together all of your lives, her with you for her 9 1/2 yrs and you were never apart in all that time, not even for a night until you got sick this April 6th.

I know that you are still here because I feel you & the Roo`s presence all the time. We know that God took your soul home but left your spirit here with us. Do thank Our Heavenly Father for us. Well sweet Angel Baby Boy Zig, please help daddy & momma’s hearts to heal, our arms and heart ache so for your sweet kisses and hugs that you use to shower us with. You gave your all and more as did we. We both said that we never ever thought that we could love like this and you our sweet baby had it all. Sure do wish that you could have stayed longer but I am sure that God has better plans for our precious sweet
little gentleman Angel Baby Boy Zigfield.

Have fun and run like the wind. We miss your teasing us when it came time to come in the motorhome. Wait for us Ziggy boy, time here goes really fast. We will all be together again soon forever and ever.

Lots and Lots of Love Ziggy,
Forever and a Day,
in this life and the next,
Mommy & Daddy


Don & Nancy Lancor