Ziggy by Jane Jacks / Mama

For almost 13 yrs. Ziggy brought so much joy and happiness into my life. He was such a shy puppy and that didn’t change as he grew to adulthood. But he loved me so much and the feeling was mutual. Even though I know he probably wouldn’t have had very many years left (he had arthritis and was getting slower and slower) he did not deserve to have to die at the hands of other animals. He was attacked and never recovered so I had to make the decision to let him go.

I miss him more it seems everyday. He used to love laying in the shade with his front legs crossed just happy as he could be. The only thing that is helping me to get through this is knowing that he is no longer suffering and is at the Rainbow Bridge with his mom running and playing like he did when he was a puppy. I know I have to go on and let him go but it is so hard.

I hope whereever he is he knows how much I love him and how I struggled with having to make the decision to let him go but I could not let him suffer. Having to make that decision was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. He will live in my heart forever and there will never be a day that I don’t think about him and miss him.


I Love You
Jane Jacks