Abby by Emma Jeanne / Emma Jeanne

When I was born into Royal Oak, my dad had a dog that he had gotten for free. Her name was Abby. She didn’t like me but at the same time she did like me. Often times when I would try to pet her, she would run away to my dad. But we just laughed. She was 13 years old by the time I was four and we had moved into the Washington, Michigan, house. Before we had moved we decided that she was too sick to live much longer and we had to put her down. All I remember is that it didn’t take very long for us to give her. I didn’t know we were just going to leave her, but we did. I don’t know where she is right now, the only places I can think of are in my heart and at Heaven’s Gate, just waiting
for my family to come and see her again.


I Won't Ever Forget You Abby,
Emma Jeanne