Omar by Bridgett / Bridgett

I miss your bark as I came from school. I miss giving you those crazy baths. I miss brushing your beautiful, black, shiny fur. I miss you barking at my noisy go-kart.

I miss giving you treats after you sit, lay, and bark. I miss you shaking my hand with your paw. I miss rubbing your belly. I miss sneaking up on you. I miss you. I know in my heart that God sent you on this earth to me for a reason. The day that you came to me, you changed my life.

You made me a happier person. You were my best friend and loyal companion. I have always and will forever love you. I would give up everything that I have and own to get you back. You can never be replaced. I know that you and Gracie are having a wonderful time in Heaven.

I will see you in Heaven again. Wait for me at the gates and I will meet you there and you and I will take a walk. Watch over me and protect me like you always did because I need you in my life more than ever. I love you so much.


Gracie by Bridgett / Bridgett

I miss your greeting as I came from school. I miss putting you in my go-kart and driving you around. I miss taking our walks down the street. I miss your soft, cuddly fur. I miss your sweet, little bark. I miss hitting softballs to you and you chasing them. I miss driving you around in your little stroller. I miss you licking me whenever I was down. I miss you.

The loss of you and Omar changed my life forever. I will never be the same. I miss you so much. I would do anything and everything to have you back. Without your presence, I feel so empty inside. You made a very happy person the day that I saw you. You can never be replaced.

I know that you and Omar are having the time of your lives in Heaven with God. I will see you in Heaven again. Wait for me at the gates and you and I will take a walk. Watch over me and protect me. I have always and will forever love you.
I love you so much.


Omar by Bridgett / Bridgett

Omar, words cannot express,
How you changed my heart.
We spent so much time together,
I thought that we would never be pulled apart.

We had those days,
Where we were happy and we were sad.
Yet, the happiness,
Seemed to outweigh the bad.

Your love and compassion,
Made my life turn.
You changed me,
And also made me learn.

You were my family,
A brother to me.
You not only changed my life,
But others, as you see.

Wishing that you were here,
Makes me feel like I cannot speak.
Knowing that you are gone,
Makes tears flow down my cheeks.

I know that you are with God,
And Gracie too.
Yet, me loving you,
I wish that I was there with you.

Your time here on this earth,
Seemed short to me.
Yet, it was your time to go,
To be with God and Gracie.

Without you with me,
I do not know what to do.
Knowing that you are in Heaven,
I cannot wait to one day be there with you.

I hope that you know I love you,
No matter what I did or said.
You will always be in my heart,
And this is not goodbye, but see you soon instead.


Gracie by Bridgett / Bridgett

Gracie, your life was so short,
Personally, to me.
Yet, you are with God,
Forever and eternally.

You changed me so much,
Especially, when I was sad.
And you always loved me,
Even if I was mad.

You and Omar,
Were my two best friends.
You were loving, precious, and kind,
Even till the end.

My heart is still broken,
Now that you are not here.
My pain is still remaining,
And I have my usual tears.

I blame myself occasionally,
Tying to figure out what I could have done.
But it is now too late,
You are already gone.

You were my sister,
The best that I ever had.
The day that you left this earth,
I really knew what it meant to be sad.

I am still grieving for you,
Each and every day.
I miss you so much,
I just wish that God would have let you stay.

It is true,
God works in mysterious ways.
Yet, I have a comfort,
Knowing that I will able to see you again one day.

I hope that you know I love you,
No matter what I did or said.
You will always be in my heart,
And this is not goodbye, but see you soon instead.