J.J. by Elizabeth / Liz and Kayleigh

On 4,24,05 I was at a friend’s staying
the night and her brothers were at my
house with my older brothers. Well one
of her brothers came running in with a
piece of paper and went running back to
my house. I read the paper it said
“Kayleigh”K” # ???-???? needs help with
baby bird” So I rushed home, call her
back and we talked. “K” is 17 yrs old
and the whole time we were talking she
cried. She told me her cat went after a
birds nest and she found a chick. So I got
a ride to pic it up.

I brought the fledge home to care for.
Now I’ve had lots of baby birds so I know
how to care for them. I had the chick a day
because I had to go to school the next day.
I was stupid and depended on my mom to care
for him for six hours. Well when I got home
he was dead.

Well when I left K’s house she had found one
of J.J.’s siblings and he had died
of the cold, so she buried it. When she found
out about J.J. she decided she was gonna
bury him next to his brother. So she rapped
him up in a cloth, tucked him in her purse
and took the bus home and buried him.
“I alway love the birds I care for”


Beauty #2 by Liz / The whole family

I regret bringing her home. I just couldn’t stand straying at that lonely kitten on the side of the road. But the day was unusual. I was getting ready for school and waiting for the kid next door to come over. I heard the doorbell ring so I went to answer it and of course it was the neighbor but he had his little sister with him.

I asked if he was coming to school today he said ya but I new there was something wrong. So I asked if he was o.k. and he said that beauty was hit by a car. Immediately I asked were she was and he said she was dead. I got my mom and we went to get her out of the road. She was hit directly in front of the house. We picked her up and
buried her in my back yard.


Beauty by Liz / Love Liz & family

Beauty we loved you verry much but we had to let you go. If you had’nt had those kittens then everything would be fine. I know we had you first and that I brought you home, but it was your fult and I tried. Gage did’nt know better than, but he was just curious,you didnt have to flip. If you did’nt atack him and you didnt have kittens than you’d still be here….
Beauty was are beloved cat that we got as a stray,Gage is our rott we got for x-mas. They got in a cat-dog fight, “I was in the middle


Slim by Elizabeth

Slim! we got you soon after my birthday.
I had just turnd 12 and around 10 pm
we were driving to the gas station
and we found a big box in front of the
pound so we picked you up and took you
home. We opened the box and 5 cats
jumped out. Your mama,uncle, brother, sister
and you we decided to keep you and your
brother we moved and your brother found
a home 2 houses down and we kept you
were as I say “my son”. I miss the way you
gave me kisses and how you slepted with
me and how you purred when I stuck you
in that bag. I still don’t know why you
but I know you’re in heaven because of all
the good dreams you gave me of you coming
home. But I think it is best that you left
because puppies have grown mean to cats.
We found beauty (cat) a new home after she
was almost attack by Gage. but beside
that you and her are safe. I’ll always
miss you. I took the wall above my bed
and put your pictures up and hung your
favorite pink bag up. “XOXOXO