Autumn by Sandy, Dan and April / Mommy, Daddy and April


To say that you are missed would not even come close to what we feel. The pain you left with leaving us yesterday is unbearable. I never thought I would have to experience life without you. You were my baby, my best friend, my helper, my confidant and the center of our lives. We never did anything without you and now without you here I wonder how to go on without you. I wish I would have had one more day with you to hug you and hold you.I am sorry we did not know you had cancer. We would have given our left arm to save you, if we could have.You know that we loved you more than possible.Thank you for everything you gave back to us. You are forever a part of our lives. Rest peacefully baby until we are together again, rest with the angels and Grandpa.
We love you and miss you.


With our undying love,
Sandy, Dan and April