Bella by Deb / Mommy

My mom sent me Bella on the airplane from Florida in June of 1998. I still remember how that ball of fur looked in the pet carrier not knowing what was going on, but when I called her name, she immediately took to me, since my mother and I sound exactly the same. I had already had a dog so I was giving Bella to my roommate. Her first vacation was Laconia, New Hampshire during “Bike Week” that was only just 1 day after I picked her up from the airport.

I had carried her with me in a back pack that I placed on me forward facing. She was just so cute popping her head out to look at all the people. When we returned I brought her to work with me for the first two weeks so I could train her easily to go to the bathroom. Needless to say, I was then Bella’s new mom. She took to me alot
more than she took to my roommate.

She loved to snuggle up and give me kisses. Her favorite pastime was playing ball. She didn’t care so much for tennis balls, but rather, the balls made of squishy rubber. Some times she became so obsessed with them that we would have to hide them for days. Even in the winter time she would play ball or catch all the snowballs that I would throw to her. When my son was born, she wasn’t very happy. She knew that she wasn’t the baby anymore. It was hard at first, but after 2 years she just began to let my son throw her the ball.

On a couple of occasions I would sing a specific tune to my son, then Bella began to sing along with me. During this past summer I took Bella down the slide twice. I don’t believe that she was ever too fond of that activity, but because she was with me she felt safe and let me take her down. She trusted me so much.

Sometimes I would pick her up and dance with her(she was so flexible and only 30 lbs) and during the dance I would even dip her to the music. I work most evenings and whenever I would come home at night she would be there waiting to greet me, while my other dog was
already fast asleep upstairs.

I miss her all the time and she died at only 5 years old to a blood illness. I never even saw it coming. One day I took her to the vets and the next day I received a phone call that she had passed away. I cry now just thinking about how I saw the vets number on the caller ID and I knew what that phone call was about.

She was the best dog in the world and I know in my heart that I will never find another dog like her. She loved me so much and I loved her. I still have an empty feeling inside me and I know it will take time, but in the meanwhile I will share my fond memories of Bella with others. I will never forget her and how happy she made me and all others that
she touched the hearts of…..


I'll love you always and forever,