Belle by Katie Southall / Mommy

When I was 4 I was diagnosed with a disease that could take my life. Then one day my mom and me where in the barn and Belle was born. The doctor said after a month with my Belle that my disease was getting better but I still was in danger. So Belle and me spent all of the days watching Gilmores at 5 and 8 on Tuesdays.

We became Best Friends, and every evening nwhen the stars would come out we would sit on the porch and talk. I asked her if she left before I did wicth star she would want to be.
She always liked the star on the Big Dipper.

I got sick and Belle went into the kicthen and jumped on the counter and got a cup filled it with water and brought it to me. I hugged her and kissed. I took a drink and told her Thanks.

From that moment on she brought me water if I needed it. I held her close and felt her lick my hand. She snorted and brought me the remote looking at the clock. It was 5, and Gilmore Girls was on. We watched Gilmore Girls and laughed about some of the things they did.

Best Friends Are forever like their memories.


Katie Southall