Blueberry by Teri Singleterry / Mom

Blueberry was my parrotlet that I bought before she was even hatched. I e-mailed the breeder back and forth for over two months waiting on her to be weaned. I went to visit her once before I brought her home and she came home in May 2009. She was so much fun to watch and such a joy to have around. She always flew to me and would play in and under my hair. She was very graceful to watch in flight and loved to chew on her shredder toys. She was taken from us way too soon in a horrible accident and she will never be forgotten.

We love you so much Berry and now you can fly free my angel… free and we will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge. Mommy is so sorry honey, but you were so loved!!!


Love always,
Teri Singleterry