Bogus Khan by Renee Hartman / Mommy

Tribute to A King

Bogus Khan
My Feline friend
A warrior and fighter
To the very end.

God sent you to me
Somehow he knew
I needed a fur friend
Someone special,that was you.

You showed me humor
How to laugh again
With a twitch of your tail
And certain tilts of your chin.

You were playful and naughty
Majestic and proud
You loved to show off
To the right type of crowd.

You refused to ever
Back down from a fight
To watch you in action
Was an awesome sight.
Feline, bobcat, hoothowl
It never mattered to you
You won your battles
To your heart you were true.

You stole my heart in less than one day
And loved us all in your own special way.
Our journey was long
With laughter and tears
We were blessed to have you
For 12+ years.

At Rainbow Bridge dear Friend
Please wait for me
Till we are together again
For eternity.


Love you so Much,
Bogus Khan
5, Oct 2003
Renee Hartman