Brittany Marie Cyrulewski by Jean Cyrulewski / Love you, Brit,,, Jean

She was a twin. We had our Pepper then we decided to bring another dog into our home, to keep her company.My husband was in poor health and facing surgery, so we girls decided to get him a cocker spaniel like he had when he was a kid…We found a lady breeder in the area. We went to see,,,there she was one of two sisters! She came right to us and we chose her. She was a gentle soul and sweet for 10 years. She was closer to Corey than anyone.Recently her kidneys gave out and we nursed her until it was time for her to meet God. Which happened 4-15-04. She is in heaven running with Pepper,Missy,Butterball,and Sassy, all our poodle friends. God bless you Brit, We miss you.
The Cyrulewski Family


May God keep her safe,
Brittany Marie Cyrulewski
Jean Cyrulewski