” Lady “
My family and I had a Shitzu. My mom and dad got her in 1982 before I
was born. They got her at the ASPCA.
My mom and dad think she was abused by someone when she was a puppy
because she had a huge fatty tumor on her chubby little tummy.
Well anyway I will tell you the story of her wonderful life she had
with us and the story of her peaceful death.
We also have another dog named Midnight that thought
Lady was his mom. One funny part about her was when you would
scratch her thigh her leg would start thumping on the floor like a motor!
And she would start trying to dig inside the house because she
thought she was outside. The story of her death was a very big tragedy.
I was sitting in the sunroom playing my video games and Lady was scratching
on the door but I didn’t let her in because it wasn’t raining or anything.
Then suddenly I heard a big crash and I looked out the door and she was
lying there with her legs stretched out and she couldn’t get up and she
couldn’t get up. We waited a few days to see if she would get better but
she only got worse. We took her to the vet and they took some x-rays of
her heart and her x-rays showed that her heart was blown up like a
softball and her lungs were full of fluid. The vet kept her over night
and the next morning the vet called us and they said she died over
night. We were so sad. My big brother had given Lady a plaid shirt to
lay on to keep her worm. I gave that shirt to my other dog that morning
she died and when I was giving it to him I actually saw tears in his
eyes so he knew what happened. I want a new dog but I know in my heart
that no other dog can take the place of my beloved Lady.
By: Kim Rickman
Fayetteville N.C