by Carole Miller / Carole Miller (2006)

Our Heavenly prayers are blessings
of fond remembrances of all our
beloved pets from our caring and loving hearts.

During this time of sharing in unison
of friendship and love, we gather together amongst the luminous pathway with the beauty of the everbearing roses that adorn our Heavenly journey in our hearts and souls.

Symbolic Colors of all the love we have shared reflects And shines through our loving hearts for our beloved ones as the stars from the Heaven’s above twinkle upon us.Our hearts are entwined as we walk in togetherness.

A single candle in the distance
is slowly illuminated
by His Heavenly Grace.

A flickering light that surrounds us with tranquility with an aura of blessings of mistification of His Love. Ever so slowly, as this mystical and spiritual ceremony begins with the magic touch of a single flame, all of our Candles are carefully lit in togetherness.

Our hearts are filled with endless remembrances and loving memories through the light of the eternal flame of love.The gate of the pathway slowly opens as His Holy Hands release the key to open up our hearts and souls
as we are joined as one.

Through the pathway all of our candles light to shine to feel the unconditional love forever that will bring us peace and love inside. The Holy Bells ring with sparkle and melodic chimes. All our Beloved Ones of creatures great and small are surrounding this Heavenly scene of His Tender Love and Care.

Our Hearts yearn for their touches.
For in Heaven there
is no beginning or end.

Our beloved ones’ spirits fill our hearts with glowing memories. The lighting of the eternal flame embeds our hearts and our earthly souls.
Heaven’s blessings open up the night to halo the
skies to shine stars to encircle throughout all the lands. We feel our beloved ones’ happiness and their forever youthful bliss and tenderness.
There is no pain or suffering; There is only youth, beauty and the freedom of tranquility and peace.

We feel His Holy Hands touch our hearts
and our souls With inner blessings
of hope and love.

Our beloved ones are waiting patiently at the Gateway to the Heavens, with the blessings of angels spiritually presenting their wings to embrace in this love forever across the world to feel and to see.

As We Pray in Togetherness:

O, Blessed thee that we feel
this tenderness and love.

O, Blessed thee that our beloved ones
are forever now free above.

O, Blessed thee our hearts
are joined as one from above.

O, Blessed thee, we give thanks
for all the loving memories

Through the everlasting gift
of love. Forever in our hearts
as the heavens shine above.
Through all the days and nights
throughout all the seasons,

The Heavens now have our beloved ones
resting beside Thee for
all the heavenly reasons.

See our flickering candles high
above in the sky.

Feel our hearts glow through
endless memories and unity.

See our candles that now are lit
forever in our hearts along
the Pathway of Roses and
Beyond Life’s Gateway

Bringing us peace and
bringing us hope,
In His Holy Tenderness and Care.
From our hearts with blessings always,
Blessings and in Holy Spirit,


In Loving Memories of All Beloved Ones

“All Creatures Great and Small”



Carole Miller