by Marie / Marie Fly 9/26/07

When you first came into our lives, you were thin and full of knots and my son called you little bit, but then he changed your name to Squirl because you did some very squirly things that made us laugh; you gave me two handsome grandsons Milo and Sabastian. I promised to care for you and protect you and I am so very sorry I could not do that. I should have checked to see if you were inside; you are the first love of my sons. I wish that I could have saved you and I wish I had watched over you more carefuly. Losing you was the hardest thing I have done. I am so sorry that I couldn’t; please foregive. My girl Squirl, she’s a little bit squirly but she’s mawma’s girly and I love her surely cause she’s my squirly. I love you and will see you and all my other children at rainbow bridge.

