CASSIE by Michele / Mommy

On Saturday, I lost my best friend. Her name was Cassie. She was 18.5 years old. I am told that is really long for a cat. She had hyperthyroidism and was told that she had only til the end of the summer to live. This was three years ago. She was fed twice a day to compensate for what her disease took and I guess that helped. She had a few scares in between but always managed to pull that rabbit out of her hat and stick around a little longer to brighten my day.

She loved people food. We’d been through a lot her and I. Two cross country moves, too many bad boyfriends, a failed marriage and lots of ups and downs. On Saturday, she looked at me, and with her cat eyes told me, she couldn’t do it anymore. I sat with her, held her, and told her it was all right to go be with her brother. He died almost
nine years ago to the day.

She was handicapped and couldn’t run but loved to walk and be outside. So, in her final minutes, I reassured her of my love, told her it was all right to go, and said she will be able to go and run with her brother. And in my voice that we all reserve for our pets said I love her too much and will miss her. She was gone within minutes.
I do miss her terribly.

Bye-bye Cassie, I love you too much. I miss you my pretty one. Go play with your brother Mrs. Too Tiny Too Pretty A Baby.


I love you,