Champion by Becky Netzer / Mommy and Daddy

My beautiful Champion, was the most loved German Shepherd in the world. On Friday, July 15, 2005 he was involved in a freak accident, and we rushed him to a animal ER hospital, where we found out he needed a blood transfusion because he was bleeding internally, and spinal injuries. Our wonderful baby, would never walk again. He was abused in his first years of life before we adopted him. Once we got him, he learned to be a regular dog to chase balls, sticks, and swim in the lake.

He was the father of 9 babies born last year on Fathers Day. We were fortunate enough to keep one of the pups. Bandit, his son is very sad and lonely. We are doing everything we can to keep him occupied and to show him how much we love him. We are going to spread Champion’s ashes at Devils Lake, his favorite place to swim and play.

What can I say, other then the truth, he was the most intelligant, free spirited cocky German Shepard I have ever known in my life. I am thankful to have been apart of his life. He will live in mine and my families heart forever. We love you Champion…OUR BABY! 2001–2005


In Loving Memory,
Becky Netzer