Clyde by Marilyn / Momma

I adopted my Cocker Spaniel for $20.00 in 1995. He had been abused and mistreated for the first 5 years of his life. This dog and I connected immediately and he fell in love with my two sons.
He brought a million dollars+ worth of joy, laughter,
peace and serenity to my life.

Yesterday, at age 13, my oldest son and I took him in to have him go to Heaven. I know he’s there! There was a look he gave me, through his now fuzzy brown eyes, that said, “It’s OK, I’m ready”. I held his precious little head and told him that I’d love him forever……and I will.
He quickly slipped off to sleep and that big heart of his went on for a few more minutes. I miss him already so much.

God Bless You and rest with Jesus my baby!

Your Momma January 13, 2003


My Precious Clydey,