Cypress by Katherine / Mom

Cypress was a very special addition to my life in the Spring of 1996. I answered an advertisement in the newspaper for free puppies and I needed a companion and went to see about a puppy. When I found him I knew it. He was the most perfect puppy anyone could have. He was very good and very small. When I took him to the vet for the first time, it turned out that he was not so healthy. He had what appeared to be a hole in his heart and asthma and allergies pretty bad. Well we got his shots and went home. The vet had told me that he probably would not live to be a year old. I just decided not to put his life on a time line. He seemed to grow up happy and some what healthy. He was hardly sick a day in his life. He spent every waking moment along my side.

In 2000 I got real sick and had to have several operations and he was by my side everytime I came home from the hospital. He never misssed a night of sleeping next to me. I had finally gotten well in January 2003 and things seemed to be fine. Cypress even started walking in the afternoons with me and my friends. Whenever my friends were around him he touched them all. He was so loving and cared about everyone.

In late February 2003 Cypress seemed to be a little sluggish and very slow moving so I took him in and had him checked out and he seemed to have a touch of arthritis. So he got a shot and home we went. Then he developed other odd but not to serious ailments for about four days. This started on a Sunday and by the early hours of Friday he had passed away in the vets lap. It was so sudden and painful I am still having a hard time really believing he is gone.

After doing an autopsy – it was discovered he had an abcessed prostrate and he also was born with two holes in his heart and a dead chamber in his heart. He was not suppose to be alive the vet said and he lived to be almost 7 years old. He never even showed a sign of prostrate problems. He was an angel sent to me to help me through rough times. He never suffered and he died in his sleep. I am most thankful to have been given the priviledge by God to have be the one to be his earthly guardian. He touch my entire life in every way possible.

