Diamond by Jim & Carrie Boelter / Your Special Little Girl.

My Mom and Daddy had lost thier other pet 8 months before getting me,and they would look at all the shelters,but nothing seemed to touch thier hearts until they saw my picture in the newspaper,from a shelter from where I had been for 6 months.

I came from an abused home, and just wanted to be loved.My new parents picked me up after work one night.I finally got to go to a safe home where I would be loved and cared for the way I needed to be. The girls at the shelter told my new parents I was about 2 1/2 years old,but my vet doctor told mom and dad I was older then that.
They gave me lots of love and protected me from harms way,anything I needed, I got.I loved to go for rides in daddy’s truck, we would go look at deeries (whitetails) and I would bark,I had a funny bark,(it raised concerns with my mommy).
I was with my new parents for about 2years when mommy noticed one day I had a cough,(like I was trying to get a hairball out of my throat,like a cat would). Mommy called the doctor,and the doctor thought I maybe had something stuck in my throat.So the doctor put me to night-night,and mommy got the bad news,my trache was collapsing.My Mommy even took me to the top of the line doctors,and if they would have done the surgery,the doctor’s told mommy I would have died on the table.So my parents took me home and made me very comfortable for the next year and a half. I loved my parents.I was still able to swim and play, but I was slowing down fast.My parents had endless love for me.

I loved the neighbor kids,and other dogs.Mommy says I was sent by God to them.Then one day on August 7-2005 in the morning I got real sick and could hardly breath,mommy called the vet, my time was nearing,as to on this day I went home to Jesus.My mommy and Daddys’hearts are very heavy with sarrow,but they now know I’m ok, and running and breathing and normal life now.I was not suffering or in pain until that mornng,when mommy knew it was time for me to go.I’m ok now,and I love you mommy and daddy,and thank you for the wonderful (almost 4 years).

I love you and miss you,your Beautiful girl,Diamond.


Love Diamond
Jim & Carrie Boelter