Flash by Robin Davila / mom

I found Flash(white with black on the nose, tail and ears), his brother(Shadow, solid black) and his sister(orange and white) in a garage attic. They were all scattered and looking for food, because their mom wasn’t a good mom, she didn’t care about her babies. I got the two kittens I saw, which were Flash and his sister, and thought they were the only ones.

Although I thought I heard another kitten, I couldn’t find it anywhere, so I took the hungry kittens to their aunt which had just had a litter of kittens herself, but was a lot better mom. Not only did she take care of her own, but accepted two others as well. I went back to the garage where they were found, but instead stood on the outside. I could hear
another kitten crying.

It had fallen into the soffit of the roof and there was no way to get him, except to open the edge of the roof right there! I for sure couldn’t do it so I asked my daddy(he passed on recently-08/28/1949-06/26/2007)to do it, and when he did, out fell the little black kitten, so hungry. He, like the others enjoyed the nurturing of their aunt. As the little ones grew, they all found there forever homes except Flash and the black one, that was come to be known as Shadow. When they were still young, running around the house and playing as kittens play, Flash seemed to be be in front a lot and Shadow behind, thus was their names The Flash and his Shadow. Unfortunately, Shadow passed on before he was 2 years.

I clung to his brother, never to let go and the Lord blessed me with Flash for 11 long yrs. He had a bad habit; he never liked anybody but me; but that became his signature; everybody that knew Flash would smile and talk about how he was and why. But he loved me and knew me as mom; to me, he was the sweetest cat on earth. My dad would say,”Nobody owns a cat, because they are independent animals, but with Flash, he was different”, he would always be with me, and it was his choice, he wanted to be with me.

He had his ups and downs though, who doesn’t. He had mild kidney disease, and sometimes had to be rushed to the vet for re hydration, but always pulled through, but this last time he got sick(a kidney infection) on Sunday and by Saturday morning at 8:00am he died in my arms. He was cremated and the vase sits on my shelf right beside all of my families pictures. He will never be forgotten and will always be remembered and loved by me, his mom.


I love you always,
Robin Davila