Friday by Lisa Downey / Mommy

My Beloved One

As I will miss that I had you here
My heart is grieving for you.
Each day I know you suffer no more
helps me make it through.
You were not a dog but a child to me
and that I will never forget.
You always shown your loyalty
as a friend and not a pet.
Each day I remember the good
and that now you are running free
just as I know you wish you could
the last days you were with me.
I am happy for you now
for god has taken your paw
and he will show you how.
Your health will no longer fall
so in sadness I rejoice
because my friend is finally free
I will always hear your voice.
For in my heart you’re here with me.

In loving memory of my Great Dane “Friday”


I will always love you,
6, Mar 2004
Lisa Downey