*General* by Deborah & Terry Eller / General

To Mommy and Daddy

Before you found me,
My life had no guarantee
I was left to die,
Shhhh mommy please don’t cry
Others ignored my pain,
But you did not refrain
You fed my empty tummy,
And boy was it yummy
When I came into your life,
There was no strife
You took me right in,
And gave me your special grin
You made sure all my needs were met,
You even treated me more that a pet
You love me more than no other,
Thank you for being my mother
Daddy I cant forget you,
Please don’t be blue
You would take me for a walk,
All the way around the block
You would stay up late to let me out,
And always kissed my snout
You would take me for a ride in the car,
And we would go really far
You would scratch right behind my ear,
Which gave me immense cheer
You two filled my life with great joy,
I will always be your “G” boy
The time has come for me to say,
I now have to go my own way
Thank you for all your love,
Just look for me up above.


With Love,
1, Mar 2005
Deborah & Terry Eller