Harley by The Neth Family / Autumn & Family

Our family dog, Harley,
passed away due to a fatal form of Anemia.
He was a Pug/Poodle mix.

His symptoms came on strong and we took him into the vet not knowing how serious his condition was. After blood work was taken and sent in for testing, he worsened over night. He had become extremely weak and terribly jaundice over a period of two days. During this time every option we had to help him had been exhausted except the very
last option of a blood transfusion.

He had been spiraling downward since the moment we brought him in even with other medication, the blood transfusion seemed to be our best bet. He was transfered from a local veterinary clinic to an emergency animal care facility to undergo the blood transfusion. Due to the severity of his condition it was expected to take much longer than a standard transfusion in hopes that a slower process may help his body
accept the blood better.

Unfortunately, we received a call early in the morning just barely two days after taking him into the vet and the news wasn’t anywhere near good. He was not responding to the transfusion and he was still getting worse. We had to make the decision to put him to sleep since there was really nothing more we could do. Once we arrived at the emergency care center we said our goodbyes and got to pet him one last time before he began to go on his own. It was almost like he waited until
we were there to see him off.

He is the first pet I’ve lost and the best family dog I’ve ever met. He always greeted you with a lick. He was truly a happy and friendly dog and we were lucky to have him be a part of our family. Wish him well…

Thank you very much for taking the time to read Harley’s story.

Take a moment to be thankful for every moment you spend with your loving pet, he’s as much a part of your family as any one else.


Autumn & Family


The Neth Family