Honey by Jemima Spiers / Mommy

Honey was a lovely we pup when we got her at just six weeks old she was black and tan and we fell in love with her right away. Our son Peter just loved her as she was so adorable and so small to play with, as she was getting older we did not have any problems with her at all. Till she was 13 years old she had a growth and she had to get it removed. The vet said she might not make it as she was getting older but she pulled through as we all were worried about her.

Then April of this year she taken sick again; she had these wee warts growing all over her and a very bad rash she scratched and was bitting at her self. Back to the vet she was given tablets shampoo and other medication but non was helping by this time her fur was falling out it was a shame. I tried everything to help her, but it was not to be. The vet said her immune system was not working the way it should and she would not get any better. It was the hardest thing I had to do
to let her go my beautiful baby.

I will always love her and miss her. I only hope she will forgive me for letting her go. Rest in peace Honey my darling I know
you will always be with me.

Love you Mummy, Daddy and Peter. xxxxx


Jemima Spiers