Jade by Karen Stone / Love,


I knew the day Jade was born that I was going to keep her. She was very special for I had to feed her for she was so small; she was out of a litter of 7 but she was a fighter.
Jade was always there for me when I needed some one to talk to.
When my son moved I let him have Jade for company, when he was at work Jade would go around the house and pick his dirty laundry and put them in the middle of his bed and then lay on the pile.
When she was 3 years old I got her back for my son did not like her being home alone for he worked long hours.
Jade gave us lots of good years of her life.

Jade got sick in Jan and had to have a kidney removed because of cancer but came out of it real good. Then in Aug she got sick and the day came when I had to let her go. Jade laid in my arms as she past over to the Rainbow Bridge. Now she is at peace and with our beloved Pumpkin and all her friends that I lost in 1998.

Lots of Love, Mom


Will never forget you,
Karen Stone