Mazda by Jackie Bunda / Jackie

Mazda came into my life purely by divine intervention seven years ago. I found her taking shelter from the cold inside the engine of my uncle’s old beat up Mazda pick-up truck. Her name was obvious and perfectly described her personality…always full of energy, zipping around the house like a sleek black race car.

My little pumpkin loved her water from the bathroom faucet, her favorite cantaloupe treats, and she always had sweet Mazda kisses ready for me every day when I woke up and went to bed. She was my little shadow and my best friend.

Wherever she is in pet heaven, I hope she knows how much she is loved. And I know she’s in good company with her only other feline friend, my other little love “Kitty”.

Mazda will live in my heart forever.


Seven years of Good Luck
Jackie Bunda