Jake by Tracy and Rod / Your mum t x

All my life I dreamed of owning a boxer dog, the day Rod asked me to buy a home with him my first request was to have a dog.
We bought your brother Jackson but he had complications and died within 3 weeks, the breeder called us to say that she would give us Jake but I was not interested as I was so upset. Rod talked me into seeing you and I have been in love with you ever since, you were everything that I dreamed of as a child and more. You were loving, loyal and always overjoyed to see us. I still don’t know how I found the strength to let them put you to sleep and I don’t think I will ever forgive myself for it. I miss you Jake I will never ever own another dog because they could never compare to my boy.

I never understood just how much you filled my life till you were gone.


I love you with all my heart,
Tracy and Rod