Jasper by Peggy & Cris McConnell / Mom

Jasper was a boxer in looks and heart. We never told him that his granddaddy was a shaggy dog, as Jasper didn’t inherit any of those traits. He looked every bit the boxer and we didn’t want to disappoint him. He was the love of our lives as long as we had him. His favorite treat was peppermint candy. I always carried some in my pocket and he would nudge that area for a peice whenever he came near. His favorite thing to do was go riding in the truck. You might assume it was in the bed of the truck, and you would be wrong. Not Jasper, he had a place of honor in the cab with the air conditioning blowing in his face. That is unless he had his head hanging out the window letting the wind slap the slobber from his floppy lips. He was a good, faithful companion to us for 10 years and we wish it could have been 20. But as his health deteriorated over the last several months of his life, we agonized as to when we would help him cross to the Rainbow Bridge. On that sunny September day, in familiar surroundings, with his dad holding him, the vet helped him into eternal rest. Jasper had led us to this point and in doing so, we know that he never suffered at all. We have missed him terribly since but know that we are blessed to have had him in our lives. We loved him with all our heart.
Jasper’s Mom………………………
Hello from the Rainbow Bridge:
Hi Mom and Dad. I am here to let you know I am doing fine at the Rainbow Bridge. I am once again happy and healthy. I get lots of love from all who are here. Mom, I found Pug and Jack here and they are as much fun as you told me they would be. And Kelly is here as well. She isn’t afraid of the thunder anymore and doesn’t run every time she hears a loud noise. This is such a beautiful place. No one is left homeless and there are no wretched diseases for us to endure. All the pups are in top form waiting to be reunited with their loved ones one day. Mom I know you still miss me terribly but please try not to cry every time you think of me. I will be waiting for you to get here and Mom, I hope you have a pocket full of peppermints.

Jasper….waiting for his family at the Bridge


All my love,
Peggy & Cris McConnell