Lucy-Fur by Stephanie / Stephanie and Tim, AKA Momma and Daddy

We found a cat in our back yard, under a small bush. Her eyes weren’t open and she was covered in fleas. My brother and I washed her with dishsoap and wrapped her in towels and a heating pad. We spent our allowance on a cat bottle and a can of kitty formula.

We bottle fed her for almost 3 months, and she grew into a very active kitty. She hardly made a sound, but loved to be petted. She would often sit on my should and “read” with me. I would share chicken and stars soup and sardines with her. She is the only other living thing I have ever let share silverware with me.

For my tenth birthday my parents got her spayed. She grew older, and more protective of me. She would wait in my bedroom window while I was at school or work. I’d get home and she’d charge at me,
wanting to play.

I went on to college, and Lucy came with me. To a strange new apartment, to a weird new town, but always in my window. By the time I left college she was no longer a playful kitten, but she still was mama’s cat. She’d lounge on my bed all day, sleeping on my feet at night.

She began having some common problems older cats do, urinary problems, mobility problems, but with medication and TLC she was still full of life. I got married and she welcomed my husband into our family, and even his kittens. She mothered them and groomed them. Often I would find all three curled up on my bed sleeping.

My husband woke me up one night to tell me Lucy was acting funny. I got out of bed at 2:30 am and saw her drooling on the floor, with the dullest eyes I have ever seen. I wrapped her in a towel and petted her all through the night.

I called the vet in the morning and took her in. I held her as he shaved her leg and inserted the catheter. She looked at me and rolled her head back as the vet injected the medicine.
She took her last breath in my arms.

I burried her outside her favorite window. I wanted her to overlook the things she thought so fascinating from inside the window.

I loved her dearly, and wished she could have had a more dignified end, but I did the best I could. I know one day I will be with her again in heaven, and she will be in perfect health up there, but I hope untill then someone can be nice to her, and offer a sardine every once in a while.


Rest in Peace Lucy-Fur,