Marley by Marianne / Your mommy Marianne and daddy Jeff

Marley was a gift from my mom. He came to us when he was 1 month and a half. He was very playful, loved to lick feet and pull socks. He was always very happy.

Then one day he didn’t eat, and was very lethargic. We took him to the doctor to find out he had an upper respiratory infection, but she gave us medicines to see if he got better… no improvements. We went back to the vet to find out why he wasn’t better, the doctor told us he had pneumonia. He gave him really strong antibiotics and shots to see if that worked on him but no, he kept getting worse.

About 2 days later, I was getting home from work to see Marley twitching and all stiff on the couch… he was having a seizure. We took him back to the vet to see why he was doing that, and he diagnosed something that would be our worst nightmare… Distemper. He told us it was too late to try to save Marley and it was best for him to just be put to sleep.

I broke down in tears, my children were crying and my husband was really sad too… He went to sleep on Thursday, October 1st at 6:13pm.
He was only 5 months.

Even though we had him for such a short time we considered him as part of the family, and we learned to love him a lot. Marley will be truly missed, but will live forever in our hearts. We know that he is in a better place, playing by God’s side. He is an angel, and I know we will see him again when we go to heaven.


With our greatest love and missing you so much...