Mufasa by Jackie, Yolanda and Soleyl / Mom, your Sisters and Simba, Drayke, Ozo and Zorro

Well our precious little boy it’s been a whole year with out. Your anniversity came and left and also this was also your second birthday without you.

We miss you so much my love. we still wish that you were here with us. Mom misses you so much and she is talking about you a little bit more, but she will always be in pain because on what had happen to you.

You will always be our little boy and we will always be grateful that we had you for 11 years and 2 months. Your life was cut to short and u still had more of life left.

We love you always and forever Mufasa.
We will see you again over the rainbow bridge.

Hope you are catching all the butterflies up in heaven my love


With Lots Of Love,
Jackie, Yolanda and Soleyl