Sargeant by Kathy O’Shea / Love and Kisses, Hugs and Tears, I miss you terribly.


I first met Sargeant as he was running across a busy intersection in Queens on Ditmars Blvd as my sons and I were there celebrating my nephew’s 5th birthday party.

After contacting all vet offices and speaking with local homeowners, no one had any information about locating Sargeant’s owner. Well, I didn’t feel I could take him home with me as I had a cat named “Sister” and she was not very fond of dogs. I sat there on the curb with Sargeant and as I walked away, he began to wimper and cry. Next thing I knew I had this dog that looked like a young Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer with gigantic paws sitting on my lap as we went home to Manhattan. It took over 2 years for Sister and Sargeant to finally get along – something of a sibling rivalry so to speak – but there was so much love around us and it was quite funny to see them play with each other.

Sarge was diagnosed with bone cancer on December 13th, 2007 and given one month to live. Sargeant was very strong and he finally was in pain come May 2008 which was 5 months of happiness for my family – more than we ever thought we would have with him. His strength was unbelievable and he not only protected us, he gave us the strength to be stronger than ever! Sargeant will never be forgotten; he will never be replaced and we couldn’t have asked for the best Angel sent down from heaven to help me raise my two wonderful sons.

God Bless You, Sargeant – We will meet in heaven one day and be together again!

Love Mom


Sargeant, My Angel From Heaven, Protector and Best Friend
Kathy O'Shea