Oswald by Paula Young / Mommy

Ozzy you were and forever will be the love of my life. I miss you so much I cry for you everyday. My heart will forever be broken!! You were the light of my life. I will never be the same, you were only 1 year and 5 months old–a truly incredi-bull english bulldog. You were wanted so very much that I had you named a year before I found you. Every second with you was pure pleasure, you had the most precious face. You were a traveler as you rode like a champ the night I got you in Debbie’s lap and I remember hiding you in my coat to show you off to your Mom-Mom. You were such a clown with all your babies throwing them in the air but never hurting them. I miss the click of your toenails, a click that sounded like no other. I hope for forever Cinnabon hiney scratches and licorice nose kisses my Na Na Monkey. Until eternity my angel– when I will hold you forever. I will always love You !!!!–Mommy


Until eternity My Angel...
Paula Young