Peanut by Stephanie and Dale Marinus / Mommy and Daddy

Our beautiful little Peanut is greatly loved and missed. She enriched our lives for 11 years with her sweet personality and loving nature. Peanut was a stray that i got free from a person who found her under a car. I brought her home and we made a great life together. Peanut loved to go to the park, kiss our noses, lay on our laps or play with her brother Chopper. Peanut and Chopper grew up together and had a special bond. After Chopper passed, Peanut changed and missed her brother dearly. We gave our little girl lots of love to help her through the loss. Just 4 short months after her brother passed, our pretty little girl became ill and was diagnosed with cancer. Our baby girl became very ill and was suffering so we decided to ease her pain and let her go to the Rainbow Bridge to meet up with her brother again. We miss and love our Peanut more than words can say and cherish every day we had together.


We love you Peanut and you are in our hearts forever.
Stephanie and Dale Marinus