Penny by Charlotte / Mummy

My little baby,

You were about 9 years old when you first developed arthritis. You were very wobbly on your feet and was always limping. You were given tablets for it. When you were about 11 you developed cistitus. You were in so much pain. We were given antibiotics for you and you were fine but then when you were about 12 you developed it again, but you got it much severely this time.

You couldn’t even stand up. We took you to the vets, but they said you had a tumer on your kidneys and if they operated you would die. We made the worst decision of our lives. We had you put down. I went in with you and held your paw. You were so brave. You licked my face as if to say goodbye. I saw your eyes glaze over and I knew you were gone. I miss you every day and I will never forget you my little poochie.
I love you.


I'll see you in heaven,