Pitter Pat by Robyn / Robyn


Life with you began one day
When I was no longer wed.
I brought you home in a cardboard box
With a collar oh so red.

You were so small, all paws and claws
But oh with so much fight!
I found it hard to dismiss you girl
You became my shining light.

You were black and white, a tuxedo
With little short legs for a cat.
It was not hard to find a name for you
I called you Pitter Pat.

We have been through so much my dear
Moving for here and there.
But you never seemed to mind it much
Because I was always near.

We spent almost 13 years together
My little cat and I.
But one day the Lord came down and said
It’s time to say good-bye.

I know one day I’ll see you
Right there at heavens gate.
And I will hold you close my sweet
I can hardly wait.


All my Love,
Pitter Pat
13, July 2006