Polly Ann by Jay & Becky Burns / Mom & Dad

14 years ago Polly came into our lives. She was just a pup. She grew as the kids grew. Day by day we all grew closer and closer. She became one of the kids. Her favorite thing to do was to go camping. She loved to run in the woods. A month ago we found out she had cancer. Things were pretty grim. The vet put her on prednizone to help with the swelling and try to make her comfortable. We had an extra month with her. Every day was a blessing. Now she is gone and my house just seems so empty with a giant void. Polly may not physically be there, but she is there in spirit and in our hearts. Polly We love you so very much and miss you. Gone but not forgotten.


Always on our minds and in our hearts,
Polly Ann
Jay & Becky Burns