Popcorn by Tabetha Clevland / Mommy loves you so much

Popcorn was a great dog to me I can’t belive he got ran over thoughts of him go through my mind everyday.When I got home I got off of the bus and my mom told me that Popcorn got ran over I started to cry a lot and I coul not stop. I miss the way he listened to me when others were mean he understood me and he slept with me now there is only two pillows and me and a big space too. I just wish I would have spent more time with him before this time had to come I think about him everyday and think about what I will do when I go to heaven with Popcorn so I can see his shining face again and stroke his soft furr again just to feel his love touch my heart one more time I would be perfectly happy again!


With love your mommy Tabetha,
Tabetha Clevland