Punky by Christie


" Punky "

April 16 1989 ----- Oct. 27 1999

Arabian Mare



You came to me one darkened night; I heard your mother whinny

How could I know how much I would ever love something so

small and so skinny


I held you in my arms so close; your wetness filled my face

You snuggled up against my side with fear you showed no trace


I watched you grow from day to day a bond we two had made

I watched you run out in the sun or when the light would fade


You were my joy my child of love; no one could have a doubt

Just recall how much my eyes sparkled when you would walk about


The years flew past but nothing changed of feelings that I had

You nickered when I came to you; my face my heart were glad


Then came the time that I feared the worst when sickness took it's toll

And God above who knows just love reached out for one more soul


And now you nicker just for him; you gallop and you play

Your deep brown eyes shining looking for me to bring you hay


I write these words to everyone who has ever had a loss

A mother father sister brother or a gentle loving horse


We do not lose the things we loved; they are just gone for now

We shall be with them once again and God will show us how


I am so sure we will be as one again with you so soft and spunky

And those who love us will understand and say.

"There are Chris and Punky"


I love you Punk




