My Little Man was my life.
After finding out I had cancer, my little guy became
more than just a dog.
He was my companion, and my world.
He knew when I was sick, when I had to go to the
hospital and when I needed wet kisses.
He licked away my tears, and made sure I ate
because if I didn’t he wouldn’t.
He slept by my side.
If I was in pain he cried with me.
I always expected to go first and had made
arrangements for his care.
Maybe he knew this and couldn’t bear me
to leave him.
I miss him so much it hurts.
I think it will be a long time before I can
eat peanut butter or vanilla ice cream since these
were his favorite and we shared these things
before bed time.
I hear it will get better with time but I’m not sure
I have that much time and right now not so sure I want
to go on without him.
Please if you believe in God keep us both
in your prayers, and maybe I can be
with him again someday.
Your always in my heart My Little Man
Rusty |
Linda Coffee |