" Sadie "
July 18 1993 --------- March 15 1999
Notes to Sadie 3/22/99
My Dear Sadie,
It has 1 week since I lost you and I sit here at work thinking of you
and missing you more each day. What if someone saw me writing to you?
But I need to put my feelings down in words to express my sorrow and
sense of loss now that you're gone.
So many friends loved you. And many sent cards. Dee and Jim even sent
flowers. That's how much you are missed. But for Graham and I the
wound is the deepest. I know Graham hurt very much when you left this
world. I tried to explain that you would be in a better place and out
of pain. I could never let you suffer no matter how much you might
have wanted to stay on this earth with us.
I miss you so much. I look for you. I see you everywhere in places
around the house where you used to lay in the backyard in the kitchen
barking for your milkbones. I even dream of you now. I wish I could
hold you talk to you brush you take you outside.
I wonder if you can see me. Sadie please forgive for I hope I made
the right decisions. I couldn't let you go at the beginning. And we tried
our best all of us. My baby. I miss you especially in the morning.
My sweet girl.
Two days ago we adopted a dog from the Humane Society. His name is
Skeeter. I think you would like him. He is one year old and someone
didn't have the time to take care of him and so they brought him there.
He had been there for 6 weeks. Something about him looked right. He
seemed very sweet and glad to be out of the shelter. I can see how much
he needs us and we need him. He will never replace you could never
replace you. You will live on in my heart forever. But maybe just maybe
you somehow got me to go to that shelter on that Saturday and find him.
Maybe you knew.
I love you my Sadie.
Look down at me and think of me for you are never
far from my thoughts and always in my heart.
Sadie |
Marie |