Shaun by Jack & Anne Schutt / His Loving Dad

Shaun was born on March 3, 1994 to his parents Spec & Lady. He was born near Cisne in the state of Illinois. He came from very good Border Collie Stock and had the breeding and personality to be anything that he wanted to be.

I am sure that he dreamed of herding sheep on some remote farm land. He would have been the
” Top Dog ” and could have been the most trusted master of his herd. Additionally, he would have trained and managed all of the other dogs that worked with him. He would have never lost even one sheep and would have protected his flock from any ferocious attacker. He could have been the very best in his field and I am sure he would have bred many outstanding litters of sheep herders.

I know he could have taken the top prize in any world wide dog show with ease as he was very smart and learned easily. His intelligence would rival many of the human race. Black & White with beautiful Brown eyes, he could have been top pick of any show.

Instead of all of the above, he and his sister
Kaitlin came to our house to live out their lives together.

He did become ” Top Dog ” of our household and was a true and loving sweet friend. He loved riding in the automobile, which entailed barking at large trucks. His favorite place in the car was to be standing up on the arm rest of our SUV, looking out the front and occasionally giving me a kiss on the cheek. The only time he rested was when he was dead tired, which is a Border Collie trait. Shaun & Kaitlin took many trips with us as we never wanted to leave them with any one else. They took a trip to Florida and went to Southern Illinois numerous times. We never left them in a kennel or with any one else.

One of his main pleasures was taking long walks with his sister Kaitlin and his mom and dad. You notice that I say ” his mom and dad, as we were truly ” His ” as he was in charge. Even though he was ” Top Dog “, he did let Kaitlin be out front, as he knew she enjoyed this and after all he knew who was Top Dog.

Shaun went to heaven on May 8, 2007 at about 3:30 PM. He had cancer of the Liver. Spleen and Lymph Nodes and his Surgeon said it was too serious to operate. Shaun was 13 years, two months and five days old. He lived the greater part of his life at 4370 Berrywick Terrace, St. Louis, Missouri, 63128. He is survived by his sister and his Dad & Mom.

I was happy to have had and known him and I believe he would say the same. He brought tremendous joy to me and was the light of my life.

On the evening of his demise, his mom and I were sitting on our patio and we were greeted by three small butterflies doing a ” dance” in the air. One of them lit on my hand, jeans and shoes ten times and one landed on moms’ nose. You see mom had ask Shaun to send us a sign of Butterflies, that he had arrived in heaven and was happy and we believe this was a sign from him.

The butterflies returned every evening
at about 7:00 PM, for about 60 days

Even though he or his sister could have been or done anything, he seemed content just to be our
” Baby Boy “.

His loving Dad and Mom forever,
Jack & Anne
Schutt, May 9, 2007


Butterflies Forever,
Jack & Anne Schutt