My Dear Missed Friend,
Everday I think of you
I miss the love that enormously grew
To me you were my little boy
Whom brought me so much love and joy.
Everday you would be by my side
Brave and proud and never hide.
A heart that loved me and needed me the same
I have yet to find in a human being.
So many places that I see
Always remind myself of you and me.
So many miles and seasons we walked
Through cold winters and hot summers, blocks and blocks.
How will I ever stop feeling so sad
Because I lost the best friend that I have ever had.
I love you so much and cant let you go
Because the love you gave me continues to grow
I love you Tazzie
Your Momma.
Thankyou for loving me,
Tazzie |
19, Feb 2003 |
Donna Boutin |